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**I’m a Volunteer Firefighter.
We’re Not Ready for What’s Coming.
By - Mike Cole 

 This week’s floods provided yet another wake-up call.
My fire-rescue pager went off at 5:45 p.m. Monday, summoning me to respond to a flooded residence. As soon as we’d finished pumping that out, we were “toned” to another storm-related rescue call, power lines down and sparking in the rain. I worked all night, only to wake to the news that flash flooding had devastated not only the Hudson Valley where I volunteer as a fire-rescue operator, resulting in one death, but also much of New England. In Vermont, floods swamped the capital and forced responders to rescue at least 117 people from their homes and vehicles.

This natural disaster is the type we can expect more frequently as our environment responds to changing patterns, and it’s not alone. As of June 2, insurance giants State Farm and Allstate announced they would no longer issue home insurance policies in California. The main reason? Increasing threat of wildfires, brought on by years of ill-conceived forest management practices and building in the forest interface.

The majority of those responding to these natural disasters, from floods to hurricanes, to fires, are volunteers. Volunteers provide more than 70 percent of the fire and rescue service in this country. In New York state, outside of urban areas, that number jumps to 93 percent.

When you remove the “hybrid” departments that mix both paid personnel (usually in the more technically demanding positions, like drivers for the rigs who can also operate the complex pumps) and volunteers, less than 10 percent of fire services in America are provided by “career” firefighters—paid personnel who dedicate themselves to this critical discipline full-time.

If you live in a city, where firefighters tend to be salaried, this may seem strange, but you notice the rarity of paid firefighters as soon as you leave town. I serve in a volunteer department within commuter distance of New York City. I previously worked as a volunteer in Metairie, Louisiana, just outside the New Orleans city limits.

For most firefighters and rescue operators, it’s a part-time gig, squeezed into the rare free hours in our wildly busy lives. We carry pagers or do shift work, turning from our demanding jobs and family obligations at a moment’s notice to wrestle into our gear, remember our training, and go to work. Fire-rescue work is intensely technical, complex, and intricate. To do it well, you need to know everything from fluid dynamics to chemistry, details of building construction and the mechanics of airflow, how to operate a huge range of gear from extrication equipment to generators to pumps to a bewildering array of hand tools. You have to remember how to cut, pry, patch wounds, calm and transport victims, use proper radio protocol, tie knots (yes, we use knots like Boy Scouts), direct traffic, and tap into a wide array of other skills from small engine repair to decontamination techniques.

You have to utilize all of these skills under intense pressure, sometimes after being wakened out of a deep sleep in the wee hours of the night, and knowing that lives (including yours) are on the line. Most of the time, if you mess any of this up, it’s more or less fine. Some of the time, if you mess it up, people die.

This system serves so well that most people don’t even notice. Pretty much everyone I know expresses shock when they read that “more than 70 percent volunteer” statistic. On its face, we’re doing great. “Structural” fire incidents, fires in any kind of building, trended down 5 percent over the previous decade, as of 2021. This shows that our volunteer system is working to prevent and contain fires. But there are four main developments that warn of glaring holes in the volunteer system’s ability to keep up.

CLIMATE VARIATIONS or ILL-CONCEIVED FOREST MANAGEMENT: State Farm and Allstate’s decision is unsurprising, given the factors surrounding the undeniable impact on the accelerating pace of wildland fire incidents in America, which have been increasing steadily in frequency and size of burned area. Fire seasons are starting earlier and lasting longer depending on the weather patterns. The State Farm decision shows that wildland fires don’t stop in the woods. They jump what we call the “wildland urban interface,” threatening homes and businesses to an increasing degree. People want to build in the forest or near that beautiful body of water or stream. [Editor’s Note: Even if you are a non-believer in “climate change” it doesn’t change the statistics even though the cause is really poor forest management practices stemming from faulty reasoning.]

BUILDING CONSTRUCTION: Overall fire incidents in structures may be down, but the increasing use of “lightweight” synthetic materials [EDITOR'S NOTE: Cheaper and faster for the builder] as well as mandated increased energy efficiency in construction means that fires are contained longer, burning hotter and faster, releasing greater volumes of toxic gases, and making buildings or portions of buildings such as roofs and floors more likely to collapse sooner. All of this makes it more difficult and more dangerous to fight fires. Most people picture firefighters standing as we operate hose lines, squinting through gray smoke. In reality, we often crawl on our bellies trying to avoid overhead heat, working entirely blind in clouds of black smoke produced by burning plastics and synthetic textiles, sucking air from our air packs to avoid inhaling superheated gases, carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, and hydrogen cyanide. Roofs supported by increasingly common laminated wooden I-beams held together by glue fail terrifyingly quickly when exposed to fire, vastly reducing the time available to get victims and firefighters out of the collapse zone.
(It’s worth noting that the same study showing structural fire incidents declining 5 percent showed dollar losses increasing 11 percent, and deaths increasing 8 percent. These percentages may indicate that new construction methods and materials are causing hotter and faster-burning fires, as well as more rapid structural failure. This means more of the building and its contents are consumed more quickly, resulting in greater damage and greater risk of death.)

THE RISE OF ALTERNATIVE FUEL VEHICLES: My work related to the flash floods is a reminder that firefighters don’t just fight fires. We’re usually the first responders on scene to respond to motor vehicle accidents and perform “extrication,” cutting victims out of crumpled cars so trained emergency medical responders can get to them to perform their lifesaving work. Sometimes, we’re the trained emergency medical responders ourselves. The proliferation of electric and other alternative-fueled vehicles on the road vastly complicates this work, adding yet another layer of technical skills to the bevy we already have to memorize and practice in our spare time. “Taking utilities” (disabling the car battery and securing leaking fuel) is one of the first things we do on scene. But how do you disconnect the battery on a Tesla? On a Prius? What do you do when there are two batteries? What do you do when there are six? Did you get them all? Cutting the battery lead on a 2010 Nissan Sentra might throw a small spark. Cutting the high voltage power cable on a Tesla could kill you. Rescue operations are tense affairs where seconds could make the difference between saving and losing a victim. It’s the kind of pressure that increases the risk that a part-time volunteer might make a mistake if they didn't train properly.

THE DECLINE OF VOLUNTEERISM: An already downward-trending pattern in American volunteerism, driven partly by declining religious affiliation, changes in family demographics, and the aging of baby boomers, was exacerbated by the pandemic and the recent crisis of faith in civic institutions . This has decimated volunteering, hitting the fire and rescue service particularly hard, with a 32 percent decline in personnel from 1998 to 2021 in New York alone, leading to the formation of a special task force to address the problem. [EDITOR’S NOTE: what are the results of the Task Force that you have seen so far?]

The tight relationship between firefighters and police makes matters even more challenging. Every fire-rescue station I’ve been in displays a “thin blue line” flag, and almost every personal vehicle in every fire station lot sports a bumper sticker expressing messages of support for “our brothers and sisters in blue.” This necessarily drops volunteer firefighters into the post–George Floyd great American debate on police abuse of power, and this partisanship may not be helping, given the variety of political leanings in young people we need to recruit to take up this physically demanding job.

Any one of these factors would be concerning. Taken together, they point to a gathering storm. The vast majority of fire responses I run are what we affectionally call “bullshit calls”: automatic alarms set off by dead batteries, out of date detectors, harmless steam or paint fumes, or minor car accidents where the unhurt driver and their dinged bumper are safely on their way before we get to the station, leaving us “canceled on the apron”—dismounting the truck and stowing our gear before we even have a chance to hit the sirens. But every once in a while, we “catch a real job,” a structure or wildland fire where lives and property are at stake. These jobs are increasing in complexity and difficulty at the very moment when our numbers are dwindling, increasing the pressure on those of us who actually show up.

BECAUSE SOMETIMES WE DON’T SHOW UP What most folks don’t understand is that volunteer firefighters don’t have to come to work. We can blow off a call. We can ignore our pagers. In any volunteer department, there is a small core of dedicated idealists who take the work seriously, (The 80::20 rule, 20% of the people doing 80% of the work) showing up consistently to fight fires, attending drills and administrative meetings, pursuing training. But many volunteers are “social members” who get the T-shirt and don’t do the work. As volunteerism declines, the strain on those who remain grows. Worse, the personnel who are certified in the truly complex skills—like driving a million-dollar fire truck or operating its intricate pump panel, where a faulty estimate on water pressure could get someone killed—are declining. I have lost count of the number of times in my volunteer career when a full crew of firefighters responded in time to an alarm, only to stand idly in our truck bay because no certified drivers answered the call.

There is an obvious solution to this problem—follow the example of many other countries and professionalize the fire service nationwide, investing in paid, full-time personnel who can truly be held accountable for their performance, and don’t have to split their attention between their income-earning profession and the demands of the fire service.

This isn’t cheap. The cost of professionalizing New York state alone would run around $4.7 billion dollars.

At a minimum, part-time pay and increased benefits for current volunteers could help create accountability and also incentivize greater dedication to the work. Indeed, New York is currently investigating just such measures.

How many volunteer police departments, highway departments or water/sewer departments have you seen?? Such costs may seem like a high price now, but the trends I highlight above aren’t going away. I wonder if our refusal to pay might not seem penny-wise, but pound-foolish, in the years to come.


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 According to most historians, the "first so-called organized" fire department was the 500 slaves comprising a Roman fire brigade formed by Marcus Licinius Crassus who it is said, negotiated payment for fighting each fire before having his squad attempt extinguishment. Since most members were slaves, they were not too eager to put themselves in harm's way and the group was soon disbanded. The first linking of fire and police duties occurred in 6 AD by Gaius Julius Caesar Augustus. Remembered as the first Roman Emperor, he formed a corps of the Vigiles or Vigiles Urbani (watchmen of the city). Comprised of soldiers, this group proved more successful and patrolled Rome searching for fires while also acting as a police force. Along the same lines, in 1254, King Saint Louis IX of France formed the Guet Bourgeois (Burgess Watch) where town folk established night watches, again acting as both firemen and police, looking for fires as well as criminal activity. This possibly could be considered the first volunteer fire/police "department". 

                                      A Brief History of Fire Police in New York State
In 1839 New York City was protected by a volunteer department which formed a fire police force which was recounted in the book New York City Fire Patrol by Arthur C. Smith. The function of the Fire Patrol was to protect the interests of the Fire Underwriters. According to Smith, the fire underwriters began in 1803 with 65 members and in 1839 the Association of Fire Insurance Companies employed 40 men as a fire police force whose duty was the night patrol of the mercantile district of the City. The first mention of the "Fire Police" by the Firemen's Association of the State of New York was at their fourth annual convention held in Elmira in 1876. They were again mentioned as "Protective Police" at the 1877 convention with the suggestion that they, "should be composed of the most reliable people to be found". However, fire police in New York State, as they are known today, originated with a bill sponsored by Senator Arthur L. Swartz and a companion bill sponsored by Assemblyman Harold C. Ostertag at the request of FASNY. The measure was passed in both houses of the NYS Legislature on May 20, 1939. On May 29th of the same year, then Governor Herbert H. Lehman, signed Chapter 583 of the Laws of 1939 legalizing the formation of fire police by state fire departments. Fire police can be called a 'step-child' of both the volunteer fire and police services. They are unique in that they are first trained firefighters, belonging to a fire department and responsible for all the requirements and duties of a volunteer member. However, when placed on duty by the chief, or activated for an emergency or other detail, they have certain police powers. These are granted under Section 209 (c) of the General Municipal Law. As New York State Peace Officers they are required to take an oath, a copy of which must be kept on file in the town clerk's office in the municipality in which they serve. As mandated by Executive Law, Section 845 (Chapter 482, Laws of 1979 and Chapter 843 Laws of 1980) they are also listed with the Central Registry of Police and Peace Officers at the New York State, Division of Criminal Justice Services-Office of Public Safety in Albany, NY. It is the duty of each fire chief to ensure compliance and to update his fire police with DCJS as required. Those failing to do so may be held in contempt of court. Although most officers are well aware of their authority under Article 35, (Use of Force Justification under New York State Penal Law) in all but the most immediate serious situations, most units consider it prudent to relegate these problems too, and request assistance from, the attending police agency. The existence of and size of each fire police squad or company is up to each department and is governed by their needs, location and size. This can be as few as two members that respond to calls in their private autos to well over fifty officers equipped with a specially designed piece of apparatus or even a boat. New York State is not unique in having Fire Police as part of their Fire Departments. Connecticut, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia, New Jersey, Deleware, and Maine are among those states with similar laws providing for Fire Police officers. Even countries such as Japan, Australia, and New Zealand utilize Fire Police in various capacities

Our meetings are on the 3rd Wednesday of odd numbered months.

Our next meeting will be on....
Jan 15th, 2025, starting at 1900 hours.
Our Guest instructor will be
County Fire Coordinator Mike Stanley
discussing his role as County Fire Coord. 

MARCH 19, 2025
@ Vischer Ferry FD at 1900 Hrs.
Training Topic ...Press Relations

MAY 21, 2025,  Galway FD 1900 Hrs 
Tentative Training FPO HazMat response 

JULY 16, 2025, Hillcrest FD @1800 Hrs
Tentative Training...Saratoga Co CODE RED 

SEPT 17, 2025,                                       
@ West Charlton FD at 1900 Hrs
Tenative Training FPO Role in Fire Investigation

NOV 19, 2025,
 @ Arvin Hart Main Station at 1800 Hrs

Coming soon